Some individuals or organisations have been trying to sell .eu names over the phone by implying that they are representing EURid. EURid would like to make it clear that we do not, under any circumstances, purvey domain names in that way It has come to our attention that some individuals or organisations have been trying to sell .eu names over the phone by implying that they are representing EURid. EURid would like to make it clear that we do not, under any circumstances, purvey domain names in that way. Should you receive such a phone call or email please be aware that it was not initiated by EURid. EURid is only promoting .eu domain names through its accredited registrars or their affiliates. Please contact any of our registrars if you want to register a .eu domain name. Before contacting a registrar you may also consult the EURid WHOIS database where you always can see the status of a domain name; whether it is free or if someone already applied for it etc. Source EURID
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